The Book I’ve been reading.

It’s the Bible, only on page 5. Adam and Eve got banished from The Garden Of Eden by God. They ate that fruit which God told them not to eat. God made the earth and the heavens. Pretty cool I guess. There is not much more to talk about. I mean I’m in Genesis and I’m at chapter 4 Cain and Able. Also The Garden Of Eden is guarded by a flaming sword, nice :).

First blog

Welcome to my first blog when i rant about chesseburger. First cheeseburger  is bad ): It make me have the synthom of throw up. I have lactose intolerants so cheese is bad ): Second cheese burger is lots of money. I broke like a homeless man so i can’t afford it. But chickfila is better in any way shape or form. And it does not cost a lot of money. Finaly chezburger tatses like the inside of a used tire. There, that is undenyable proof that chezburgers =  Bad.